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مؤسسة ألكسندرينا الثقافية غير الهادفة للربح

أهلًا بكم فى ANPIEMED
من نحن

منظمة مصرية أهلية (غير حكومية) مشهرة  برقم 2638/2011 وفقًا للقانون المصري للمنظمات الأهلية المصرية ،  رقم 84/2002.

Arts in ANPIEMED are where artists of all generations test new ideas and shape public conversation. 
الثقافة والحوار الاجتماعي
The cultural and social awareness is one of main target for ANPIEMED to achieve solidarity and social dialogue. 
الدراسات و الأبحاث
The conferences are one of the major scientific activities in ANPIEMED that aim to support researchers of social sciences to spread their research.
This is one of main elements to promote culture exchange between countries, therefore ANPIEMED committed to preparing a program of Italian and Arabic language exchange 


ANPIEMED library is a scientific research library consists of more than 5.000 books classified in forty fields like Art, history, literature, economy and linguistic… etc.


The Archive is documentation for the history of the National Association of Pro Italians of Egypt (ANPIE) that aggregates Italians born or already long resident in Egypt who begin to leave Egypt following the war II. 
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أخر الأحداث
بداية الطريق
الحدث الحالي
دليل المباني التراثية الإيطالية فى الأسكندرية
الحدث القادم
البينالى الدولى BRAU5
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