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Alexandria before Alexander the Great until the Islamic era


17-18 April 2018


Forum & exhibition


Faculty of Arts


“Alexandria before Alexander the Great until the Islamic era”


Greek and Roman Archaeology Depart – Faculty of Arts- Alexandria University


This event was held to shed more light on the Alexandrian heritage and Archaeology through the ages with the beginning of the city even before Alexander the great then in Ptolemaic. Roman and Coptic times and these ideas were introduced through some lectures in the field especially the archaeology of the city which expressing how it was cosmopolitan city with a society full of many different countries and ethnics and this appeared through the archaeological artifacts and the inscriptions on it which confirms it’s globalization.  Also some of the lectures were to explain the important role of maritime archaeology in the city. The event also was containing an exhibition of the students art works which they prepared through about 3 years. These artifacts contained mosaic panels and architectural Marquette’s which also expressing the heritage of the city. The event was under the supervision of the Greek and Roman Archaeology Department Faculty of Arts and organized by Jupiter society with the co-operation with ANPIEMED Cultural Foundation.

The forum was organized in partner with Alexandria University- Faculty of Arts-

Greek and Roman Archaeology Depart. Under supervision of Dr. Fathehia Gaber


The two day forum program

First day: 17/4/2018


11.00 – 12.00

Opening of the exhibition &

Welcome  speeches


–         Dr. Fathia Gaber, coordinator of the forum.-         Dr. Ayat Elmihy, Director of the Egyptian Italian Foundation-         Prof. Bahia Shaheen, Head of Department-         Prof. Sameh Al-Ansari, Vice Dean for Student Affairs-         Prof. Ghada Mousi Dean of the faculty

12.00 -12.30

Presentation of students artistic projects participating in the exhibition

12.30 – 1.30

“The Greek origins of the spinning mill of the Bahri girls” Prof. Mona El-Shehat

1.30 – 2.00


2.00 – 2.45

“The Social groups of Alexandria and the Collapse of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization on the Land of Alexandria City”

By: Prof. Magda Abdullah Professor of History Department- Faculty of Arts, Kafr El-Sheikh University

Second day:18/4/2018

10.00 – 10.30

“Maritime Archaeology in Alexandria sunken history or extended civilization”

By: Saad Ahmed Fashal, inspector of sunken Archaeology of Alexandria

10.30 – 11.00

“Alexandria and a long history of mosaics”

By: Dr. Iman Mohsen Shahawi Archaeologist and Director of Archaeological Affairs of the Mosaic Center in Egypt Ministry of Antiquities

11.00 – 12.00

Presentations of the rest of students artistic projects participating in the Exhibition

12.00 – 12.30

“An overview of the Alexandrian Tomb Stelae from Ptolemaic and Roman times as evidence of the universality of ancient Society of Alexandria”

by:Dr.Fathia Gaber, Greek and Roman Archeology – Alexandria University

12.30 – 1.00


1.00 – 1.30

“Methods and Customs of Burial

Through the archaeological discoveries of modern Eastern Cemetery of city Alexandria

By: Mohamed Taher Abdullah Inspector of Archeology and Deputy Director of Training Department in West Delta and Alexandria

1.30 – 2.00

Architectural Elements of the Coptic Orthodox Churches “

By: Antonios Nakhla PhD Researcher in the Center of Coptic Studies

2.00 – 2.30

The announcement of the Jury committee of the three winners of the exhibition

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