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Documentation of Italian Architecture Heritage in Alexandria


Tangible Heritage


In 2008, Dr. FRANCESCO GRECO (president and Co. Founder of ANPIEMED Cultural Association) in cooperation with the Italian institute in Cairo and Alexandria Governorate achieved one of first effort in Egypt to documents the Italian architecture in Alexandria. The project documenting the building main data on a plate fixed on the building. Unfortunately most of it disappeared today.

    The project documented 18 building

Building Architect Date Link
El Moursi Abu El Abbas Mosque Eugenio Valzania & Mario Rossi 1928-1935
Lonin &Deutsche Bank Nello Sinigalli Bey 1910-1912
Mixed Tribunals Aifonso Maniscaico Bey 1886
Italian School Enrico Bovio 1910-1915
Firehouse Aldo Marelli Late19th Century
Banco di Roma Henry Gerra Bey &  Nello Sinigallia Bey 1905-1913
Bank Misr Giacomo Alessandro Lorio 1925
Ismail Pasha Monument Verrucci Ernesto Bey 1927-1938
Casa Di Riposo Verrucci Ernesto Bey 1929-1932
Oreco Bulding Guido Carmona 1945
Farah Building Giacomo Alessandro Loria 1929
Cecil Hotel Giacomo Alessandro Loria 1925
Palozzima Aghiom Antonio Lasciac 1887
Montaza palace Ernesto Verrucci Bey 1923-1928
RasElTin Palace Ernesto Verrucci Bey 1818-1927
Fmaroli Building E. Carnevale 1929
Cairo Station Antonio Lascac 1915-1925
El Kaid Ibrahim Mosque Mario Rossi 1948-1951

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